Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Spring Cleaning #30: Take a Load Off Our Drives

I found a lot of "junk" in my folders. The oldest file I deleted was from October of 2006. They were actually copies of other files that I didn't need. I've saved a lot of files I need on my personal email for later use.

Monday, April 14, 2008

Spring Cleaning #29: Email

I have been trying to keep my work email organized, but I still had a lot of old emails that I didn't need anymore.

I have several folders, but I haven't been keeping those folders organized. I went into all of those folders and cleaned them out. I had a lot of old emails that I didn't need. I also realized that I had invalid email addresses in my address book of people that no longer work here.

Spring Cleaning: #28

I created an account with Rememer the Milk. It was a little confusing for me to use. I'm going to keep playing with the account, but I don't think I will use it very much. I liked the Google Calendar the best. I also created a gmail account so that the calendar and e-mail would be linked together.

I don't really use anything that keeps me organized right now, but I think I'll use the Google calendar to keep track of my schedule.

Monday, December 10, 2007

Week 10: #23

Ok... it's not that I thought I knew everything but I am so amazed at how little I actually knew. There are so many great sites that are available for free use. For example, the photo editing sites. I have been using those often. I also enjoyed the image generators. Those are a lot of fun. There are so many more things left for me to discover on my own now.

Week 9: #22

I looked on LibriVox and their site is really neat. They have volunteers read books which can be downloaded off their site for free. Volunteers have the option of reading a chapter or reading an entire book on their own. LibriVox doesn't have any of the newer books because the books must be public domain before they are recorded. It's a nice project. Out eBranch is different because our material is checked out like a book. We have music, video, and books available.
I saw a book on our site that looked interesting it's "How to Make Someone Love You Forever! In 90 Minutes or Less."

Friday, November 30, 2007

Week 9: #21

I'm not too crazy about podcasts. I would much rather read the material than to just listen to it. This is something I will not use too often... Of course, podcasts are becomin so popular. Who knows maybe I'll learn to enjoy them.

Week 9: #20

I thought this video was pretty cute! I like youtube. I don't use it very much though.
♥ Princess D